Sunday, December 15, 2013

Changes in the Temple

Some of those who are reading this blog would be surprised to hear that I am only 22. I'm a convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and have been a member of the church for 2 years. So I guess I'm not your typical mormon, but I do indeed love the church and everything that I've gained from it.

This summer I spent a lot of time going to the temple with my friend. She was endowed (meaning she could go in special rooms) and I was not. One day I was sitting outside of the temple and I felt this strong impression telling me it was my time to go through and become endowed. There is much to learn in the temple, and because I was unfamiliar with most of it, I needed to take the opportunity to learn. I prayed and received a confirmation about this and decided to talk to my bishop, who was extremely supportive.

About a week or two before I finally was given my temple recommend, I had a dream about the temple. In the dream a friend of mine said to me, "let's see if you can get in the temple without having your recommend yet." I agreed and figured that wouldn't happen. But it did. I went through to the back and began the initiatory. During that session certain things occurred. Halfway through I realized that I was going through the temple without my "official recommend" and asked my friend what I should do. We then saw another friend of ours and we asked him about it. He said that I was too far in to turn back now.

I woke up from this dream just thinking that it was weird and showed some of my worries and concerns. I finally went through the temple a couple of weeks later and some of the things I saw in the dream did not actually occur in the temple. Therefore, I really did brush it off. However, about a month later I was looking into how the temple ordinances were conducted in prior years and realized that things had changed. The things in my dream actually did occur in the temple but was from past years.

Again, I was absolutely amazed by the things that the Lord was revealing to me and how merciful and patient he is with me.

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